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A typical <Node> element is structured as follows:


The <Name> element is defined by the user and can be any text string. It is good practice to ensure the text is unique for each node as having the same Name for several nodes can cause problems when populating nodes with agents.

The <Ref> element is a integer value greater than 0 that must be a unique number within the Map. Having two nodes with the same Ref value will cause an error. If the Map is created using yEd then Ref values will be assigned automatically when the model runs.

The <Length> and <Width> elements define the dimensions of the space. Values must be greater than 0.5 m and the dimensions of the node will limit the number of agents that can be in the node at any one time where that limit is determined from the maximum occupant density defined in the model. Node dimensions can be defined using the units attribute, for example

<Length units="cm">value</Length>

A Safe node is defined as follows:

<Node type="enz_safe">

Safe nodes do not have dimensions as there is no limit on the number of agents who can enter this node. All maps need at least one Safe node for Evacuationz to execute successfully.