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The Simulation file allows the user to set up the parameters for each individual simulation. These parameters include the maximum simulation time, the time step, maximum occupant density allowed in a node and details regarding the flow calculation algorithm


The <TimeStep> element sets the time step in seconds. Typically values of 1.0 s are sufficient but smaller values should be considered as part of a sensitivity analysis. Smaller time steps will lead to longer simulation times and larger output files. Time steps of less than 0.1 s are not recommended.


The <TimeMax> element sets the time in seconds when Evacuationz will terminate the simulation regardless of whether every occupant has reached a place of safety. This parameter useful in case occupants get stuck and so prevents the model getting into a never ending loop. A simulation will terminate before the maximum time if all occupants reach safety first. If this element is not defined then a default value of 1800 s (30 min) is used.


The <TimeFrequency> element sets the frequency of the console output when a simulation is running. The default value is 120 s.


The above three time elements can use the units attribute to use alternative time units. For example

<TimeMax units="minutes">value</TimeMax>

Specific flow

The <SpecificFlow> element can be used to define the maximum specific flow through a door or similar constriction. A user defined fixed maximum specific flow can be set for all constrictions using the type=”enz_fixed attribute.

A maximum specific flow can also be selected using a distribution using type=”enz_distribution attribute and either the same value applied to all constrictions or a different value applied to each individual constriction. Using the application=”enz_global attribute sets the same maximum specific flow to each constriction while application=”enz_individual applies a different maximum specific flow to each individual constriction. If the <SpecificFlow> element is not defined then a maximum specific flow of 1.33 ppl/s/m effective width will be used. Maximum specific flows must be between 0.10 ppl/s/m and 2.50 ppl/s/m effective width. The default specific flow should be used in most cases as Evacuationz has been calibrated using this value.

<SpecificFlow type="enz_distribution" application="enz_individual">
    <Distribution type="enz_normal">


The default time step is 1.0 s, maximum occupant density is 2.75 ppl/m2, specific flow is 1.33 ppl/s/m effective width.